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Processing of Russian fairy tale Kolobok

Donut finds his safety in himself. It does not matter the environment or the circumstances surrounding him. He knows who he is and he is well with himself. Maybe too much, but let´s leave it aside.


It is said that people without love who feel at risk have a greater tendency to become fat. Cover yourself in safe, warm, pleasant layers of fat. Separate from that outside, have your quiet zone. Like that in grandmothers (mums) arms.

The motive of the body has become essential to me. We are a reflection of our parents. Not only in the patterns of behavior from which we often try to escape, but also in physical proportions. It is hard to resist. Whether we want it or not, we are part of a recurrent genetic pattern. Everything revolves in circles.


Tumble. Once a person spins, they never have to stop, Perpetuum mobile. Movement fallen on the head when it fails can break the ligament. So break a leg in life! As we know, the donut had not escaped his destiny anyway. When I identify myself with the donut, the fact that I am trying to escape is not being absorbed by someone else, but from being absorbed by myself. What I have encoded in my genes. I don´t want to stay hidden in my safe, unchanging nest.


So I work and work. I overcome my fear of injury and roll on. Who knows how it turns out. The possible ends lying before me were shown in an animation.

Will I become similar to my parents or will I be different? Will my path be rough or smooth?

Will I eventually return to my parents or disappear completely out of their lives?

I chose a thick coat for my costume. A quick and simple way to hide… into yourself? In contrast with underwear, which expresses revelation, vulnerability, the courage to face the world as I am.

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